This program is for developers and senior IT-specialists that are looking to relocate to Sweden. With this program you keep your current job while moving to Sweden. Who can apply?
- You have a remote position
- Your yearly salary is at least 60,000 USD
How does it work?
- You keep your current job
- Globedesk hire you in Sweden
- Globedesk will be your Employeer of Record (EOR) while you still work for your current company
- Globedesk will handle your visa process and help you with the work permit

Benefits with Sponsored VISA Sweden
- You can live wherever you want in Sweden
- You receive a two year work permit
- Your family receive the same type of visa = they can work and study in Sweden
- You will continue to work remotely, just from Sweden instead

Make a plan
It's important that the whole family is onboard with the idea of relocation and that there is a plan for what your partners and kids will do in your new country.
Plan to have some savings before you relocate. Maybe you want to buy a car or invest in housing. There will always be some expenses when relocation to a new country.
Before the relocation, read about your new city and country. The more you know before traveling, the easier the process will be for you.
Use our expertise
Be prepared that it might take some time to find housing. Many of our candidates have a temporary housing during the first month after arriving.
You will be perfectly fine with just English in Sweden but your experience will be so much better if you try to learn some Swedish. Once in Sweden you will be offered courses.